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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I never in a million years thought I’d be writing a blog. I’ve been toying with the idea for a while now, but kept thinking who wants to hear from me? Over the last few weeks I’ve gotten hooked on a few blogs that I’ve begun following and feel as if I’ve become ‘friends’ with some very inspiring women. Women, who seem to be able to juggle it all, chase their dreams and make lemonade out of lemons. These women who you would pass on the street and never know their challenges, talents and gifts have inspired me. To search for my true passion, to be who I’ve always wanted to be and to realize that life is a journey.

Sometimes you get off the train only to look around and think…hmpf “How did I get here?” Surely this wasn’t a stop I was supposed to make. So instead of waiting for the next train to come by at whatever time it’s supposed to get here. I will begin to walk until I see the train coming and then I will hop back on. While I walk I hope to find ways to be a better Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister and Friend.

I would be lying if I said this was all in the hopes to inspire others. I NEED this. I need a place to be able to say all the things I keep bottled up. A place to write down my feelings; talk about my good days and my bad days. My great moments and those…”Ummm can I have a do over?” moments.

So, if you want come along for the ride. As I share my dreams, my bucket list, my fears and my goals I hope that you will hold me accountable. After all once I put this out in the universe I have to try hard, right? I will be “borrowing” my husband’s email signature and try to tie this into my every day mantra.

So world, what would you do if you weren’t afraid?

