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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bruised but not broken

Sorry I've been away for so long people. Life has been going on with all its ups and downs. I missed my November recap, but better late then never. So much has gone on during this past month and a half; the trials of raising a toddler, the tribulations of raising a pre-teen, loss of a job, grieving for my beloved father and trying to just keep it all together. But as I sit here I can't possibly have a pity party. I'm watching my mentor in my head "Oprah" on Barbra Walters special. Listening to some of the amazing 'ordinary' extraordinary people that she has had on her show. Those who have fought way harder battles then I can ever imagine. So I sit here bruised, but not broken. Pondering and planning my next move.

The good thing is that I know what I really like and that is food! Everything about food; reading about it, watching cooking shows, talking about it and of course experiencing it. The hard part? What exactly that means for my next career choice. Do I go to culinary school for Pastry Arts or work my side business (Baby Bird Sweet Treats)? I'll take suggestions. So that is where I am right now. I intend to take a moment and be still in order to listen to that little voice in my head and see where she guides me.


What would you do if you weren't afraid? (Dare to dream?)